Understand the Concept of Intelligence

Daniel Silva
1 min readJan 30, 2022


Image from Canva

Intelligence exists in various forms. It is not acquired after sustained labor your extensive studying.

It is also not memory, as an intelligent person can have poor memory.

Intelligence is somewhat of a gift and can be found in people in 9 variations.

Spatial Intelligence

Can interpret the world in 3D. Also gifted with visual prowess.

Linguistic Intelligence

Is capable of finding the best words according to the circumstance

Logical Intelligence

Has a way with numbers. Is good at quantifying things, making hypotheses, and proving them

Kinesthetic Intelligence

Gifted with near-perfect mind and body coordination.

Naturalist Intelligence

Understands living things and has a good sense of how nature works

Musical Intelligence

Easily discerns sounds, their pitch, tone, rhythm, and timbre.

Existential Intelligence

Has no issue with tackling the day-to-day challenges and is somewhat aware of the life and death duality.

Intra-personal Intelligence:

Self-aware and knows how to deal with own thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

Inspired by a fellow creator, I decided to challenge myself to publish 100 short-form articles within January. This is article number 77.

