Respectfully, Fuck You TikTok

Daniel Silva
2 min readSep 22, 2022
Photo by cottonbro edited on Canva

I’m a fan of Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro.

Although I don’t agree with some of their political perspectives, they sure are argumentative beasts.

So I decided to give this TikTok thing a chance and I saw a video where Jordan Peterson proceeds to debate on why is not ok to be a man but yes necessary.

After that came a video of Matt Walsh asking about what makes a woman a woman. I mean, there’s the actual definition and then there’s how people perceive a woman.

A few scrolls down the line and I was seeing a tattoed woman advocating for men's rights and double standards…

Somewhat harmless and actually well-versed content so far.

Regardless a pattern had already ensued.

Inevitably, the algorithm was so biased that TikTok was feeding me as many red pills as possible — And Andrew Tate was the lead pharmacist.

Seriously?! Fuck you, TikTok. How predatorial can you actually be?

I mean, Isaiah McCall has already warned us about how menacing TikTok is, but this is an unprecedented level of control.

Yes, every Social Media platform has its own way of suggesting certain content, based on our preferences. But here I felt like I didn’t have a choice.

I opened one video and from there on I was engulfed in hatred and misinformation.

This deeply concerns me, simply because of how easy it makes to manipulate and spread information. Especially if we consider how fast the platform has grown since its creation:

  • $4.6 billion revenue in 2021 — an increase of 142%
  • 1.2 billion monthly active users
  • Over 3 billion downloads

Even though my venture was short, I was able to see where Instagram and YouTube got their not-so-inspiring inspiration.

I’m slowly but surely dreading Social Media and I blame TikTok for it.

