Raisins Are the Spiders of the Fruit World

Daniel Silva
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
2 min readJan 27, 2022


Image from Canva

Does pineapple belong on pizza? Maybe. What comes first? The milk or the cereals? Have it your way.

Both food topics seem to divide opinions but there’s one however that brings people together: Raisins are the spiders of the fruit world.

Few to none like them.

Although they’re popular around Christmas time, they are almost non-existent throughout the rest of the year — certainly not on a pizza!

This is due to, according to history, in Ancient Rome, raisins were offered in celebrations for the arrival of the winter solstice, which in the northern hemisphere occurs in December.

Sure raisins contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, which makes them the most nutritious dehydrated fruits to be included in any diet throughout the year.

But damn, they taste awful!

On the other hand, the vast majority prefer their distant cousin: wine.

Not so good for the health, but surely tastier.

For some reason, every Christmas dinner people seem to be happy drinking wine and become immediately disgusted when it comes the time to eat raisins.

There is just no denying it, raisins are indeed the spiders of the fruit world. Thank God they don’t have hairy legs.

Inspired by a fellow creator, I decided to challenge myself to publish 100 short-form articles within January. This is article number 57.

