7 Things That Make Me Feel Sexy as A Man

Daniel Silva
3 min readJan 24, 2022


Image from Canva

Confidence is often listed as one of the most important traits when it comes to describing a sexy man.

However, it needs a foundation to be built and maintained.

As egotistical as this article might seem, I would like to share with you 6 things that make me feel sexy as a man.

Taking a haircut

In the past, I would go from long hair to a razor-shaved head without thought.

Suffice to say I didn’t value my appearance as much.

Nowadays I can’t go with messy hair, but I don’t like wasting too much time styling it either.

So I go to a barber to get a fade buzz cut. It usually lasts a couple of months and doesn’t need any dressing.

I feel more stylish and confident about myself.

Taking care of my plants

Some developed this habit during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

I, on the other hand, always helped my grandmother tend to her garden while as a kid, but since I moved to an apartment I had to get my own garden.

I own roughly 25 plants and taking care of each of them makes me feel caring and protective.

There is something heartwarming about nurturing a living being and seeing it grow.

Walking my dogs

When I go for a walk with my dogs, I’m both giving something they enjoy and assuring some sort of control over them.

Dogs are animals that need constant attitude adjustments and respond very well to a rewarding education.

Doing so, and seeing positive results, makes me feel confident with the education I’m able to transmit.


I went from obsessive spending to extreme saving and investing.

In the past, I believed that my confidence would rely on the things I owned.

It took some big financial restraints and finding Minimalism for me to wake up to reality and understand that I was jeopardizing my future.

Nowadays I seek to consciously invest in various assets so I can assure some stability in case of a future emergency.

I’m more self-aware

I’ve always been afraid to deal with failure and mistakes.

I would shake away any confidence I had since I was always avoiding dealing with the consequences of my own actions.

A few too many mistakes prior, I just own what I did without making excuses.

I renounce conflict

Conflict is a major part of our personalities as humans, but the way we handle it is what really defines who we are.

I used to jump head-on into arguments.

With time I learned that with this I was just pushing people away, so now I just renounce any type of conflict.

The moment I see myself getting into an argument I back away, breathe,e and assure both sides are calm and ready to address the issue again.

I stopped biting my nails

Maybe you were expecting a grandiose last thing but for me, not biting my nails is one of my biggest victories in life.

Anxiety would make me go into biting frenzies where I would almost bite my nails completely out of my fingers.

I felt ashamed every time I had to show my hands or actually touch other people.

As of today, I have so much more control over this bad habit, to the point where I can finally let my nails grow and polish them.

Never been so proud and confident to show my hands in my life.

Inspired by a fellow creator, I decided to challenge myself to publish 100 short-form articles within January. This is article number 42.

